The Eight Stage Process of Creating Major Change

Leading Change by John P. Kotter Establishing a Sense of Urgency Examining the market and competitive realities Identifying and discussing crises, potential crises, or major opportunities Creating the Guiding Coalition Putting together a group with enough power to lead the change Getting the group to work together like a team Developing a Vision and Strategy Creating a vision to help ...

Disruptive Innovation

PRODUCTIVITY INVOLVING EMPLOYEES IN INNOVATION ENGAGE SHORT TERM EMPLOYEES FOR IDEAS What positive things are you hearing from customers? What negative things are you hearing from customers? How do we compare to other companies like ours where you have worked? What problems are you (or other employees) experiencing with our processes? What short cuts or workarounds have you figured out ...
speed of change

Managing at the Speed of Change

MANAGING AT THE SPEED OF CHANGE By Daryl R. Conner The Nature of Change.  You can enhance resilience if you: Realize that control is what we seek.  Ambiguity is what we fear and avoid.  When the challenges we encounter are matched equally with our capabilities, we are comfortable with the change and we are usually able to predict what the ...