Multi-Generation Family Owned – For Profit
Single Generation Owned – For Profit
Not-For Profit
The beauty of a successful peer group is a fine balance between intellect, trust, candor and support. You have to be accountable to yourself with the information provided by your peers rather than to the peer group.
A successful peer group understands where you are coming from, in regards to the stress and strains of business, all the while in an atmosphere of trust, but with the candor to tell you what they may perceive as flaws in your logic, or dark corners you may have missed. Support is derived from the experiences of different peers and how they succeeded or failed in addressing a similar business condition.
A successful peer group is an extension of your business intellect. It is like having a network of confidants that assist in finding that right path forward.
Steve Johns has been a great friend and business mentor to myself and all of the members of the Heartland Heroes Peer Group. He is consistently positive, encouraging and constructive in his approach. The group have likewise been a great source of encouragement to me over the more than 10 past years.
Prior to joining Heartland Heroes Peer Group, I had participated in Young Presidents in Florida. I enjoyed the group interaction and was open to another similar experience. When I joined the Peer Group, I was the President and CEO of Arrow Forklift Parts in Kansas City. We imported forklift forks from China, modified them as needed to fit American equipment and then sold them to dealers and users throughout the US.
I was delighted to find others in the group with similar leadership issues to Arrow’s. I was able to discuss my challenges openly in a risk-free environment and got as much as I gave. I have been a member for over ten years and highly recommend the Heartland Heroes to anyone who is open to honest well intended discussion of experiences good and not.
My involvement with the Heartland Heroes Peer Group has brought me value from many vantage points. First, Steve does a great job of recruiting local business leaders who are diverse, smart, interesting, and quickly become friends. As the CEO of an organization, most everyone looks to you for the answers, the peer group allows me to seek advice on those answers before responding. The varied perspectives I’ve gained on a great number of issues have made me a better person mostly due to my involvement with the Heartland Heroes.
In 2014, as the CEO of a thriving refractive eye care business (Durrie Vision) I realized I needed a group of like-minded professionals to learn from and engage with issues…big and small. After doing my homework, I joined the Heartland Heroes Peer Group and have been an active member for 7 years. I love it. The other members — most who own their own business — have become friends and trusted allies. I thoroughly enjoy the regular meetings. I always come away having learned a bunch and feeling energized by the discussion. I highly recommend that CEOs/business owners join a peer group like Heartland Heroes!
David Voorhees, SHRM-SCP
Being part of the Heartland Heroes Peer Group has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Every session offers a wealth of knowledge, whether it’s through thought-provoking discussions on various business challenges, insightful guest speakers, or debates on the current issues that shape our workplaces. Each meeting leaves me with valuable takeaways, but what I appreciate most is the culture of trust and empathy. It’s a place where confidentiality is respected, and every voice is heard. Steve Johns leads the group with skill, consistently encouraging us to think deeper and engage in a way that brings lasting value to everyone involved.
Rich Brull
We’re big enough to handle any electrical contracting job, from new construction to
major service contracts.
We’re small enough to be personally invested in every job we do, commercial, medical or residential.
We’re smart enough to know that we’re here to solve problems, not create them.
I started with the Heartland Heroes Peer Group in 2017 and ithas been one of the most valuable business decisions I have made in my career. Heartland Heroes is a Peer Group of business owners and leaders from all backgrounds and industries. The wealth of knowledge of the members in the group is outstanding along their willingness to help, discuss, share thoughts and experience has a value that you can’t place a price on. There is a trust and bond among the members which allow us to openly discuss challenges or issues members may be facing.
There is also a strong desire among the members to continue to learn. Steve Johns leadership of our group is terrific, he listens and assists members and brings in knowledgeable guest speakers to discuss business trends and relevant topics of the day.
I highly recommend the Heartland Heroes Peer Group to anyone wanting to continue to learn and better their leadership skills.
Mike Pitman
The Heartland Heroes Peer Group has provided value to me beyond my expectations. The facilitation of ‘real world’ topics and the willingness of the Peer Group to be very transparent with some of their most difficult issues makes for a rich experience. I really appreciate the character of the members and the growth I experience from each interaction.
Glen Posladek
This group is a treasure! I have benefited greatly from the lessons learned and taught by each of my peers, made valuable connections to local resources and business legends, and I have capitalized on opportunities I would otherwise not have known about. In addition to being a great friend, coach, and mentor, Steve Johns does a masterful job of creating value for like-minded entrepreneurs through facilitated learning and sharing in an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality.
Reinhard Mabry
Alphapointe is the only comprehensive provider of vision rehabilitation services in the state of Missouri, serving thousands of children, adults and seniors each year who strive for independence.
Our NAC accredited services include low vision rehabilitation, educational outreach, activities for visually impaired youth, braille, orientation and mobility training, adaptive technology and career counseling.
Randy Powell
As a business leader, where do you go to discuss the challenges you face in building and leading your organization? In order to be a strong hand at the helm, you can’t really discuss all your concerns with your team, your spouse may not understand all you are dealing with, and your friends have their own issues. You often find the best feedback comes from a mentor, or in the case of Heartland Heroes, a team of mentors. Steve has created a safe and confidential environment of like-minded business leaders who care about their organizations, their teams, and their community, and who are eager to listen and thoughtful in their offers to help. The group Steve has assembled has experience in a wide range of industries, has led large organizations, small organizations, and even communities, and has done so sometimes in front of the camera, and sometimes out of the public eye. To be able to draw on all those experiences and openly discuss challenges in leading an organization is invaluable. It is like having a team of mentors on your side.
Mayor Sly James
Heartland Heroes Peer Group is a space where leaders of industry and community come together to discuss business, society and leadership. It offers a safe and productive atmosphere to discuss issues and debate solutions. It is a place to teach and to learn.
Joel Goldberg
The Heartland Heroes Peer Group truly covers all of the bases. From in depth conversations about all aspects of business to engaging guest speakers and pertinent debates about current events affecting the workplace, I learn at every meeting. More importantly, I know I’m participating in a safe place where confidentiality, empathy and trust are key ingredients at every moment. Steve Johns does a masterful job of challenging the group to think, discuss and engage in a way that always brings value to all participants.